
My daughter is 9 years old, and recently, I’ve noticed that she has a lot of fat on her body, and she has a very large appetite. She doesn’t like to play outside. How should we treat and manage childhood obesity?


To address the issue of childhood obesity, it is advisable to increase the child’s physical activity and control their diet to alleviate symptoms. Encourage activities suitable for her age, such as swimming or jogging, and ensure she consumes high-fiber foods like spinach and carrots. It is crucial to avoid high-calorie foods such as cakes, chips, and cola. Additionally, if the child tends to lie down immediately after eating without moving, parents must help correct this undesirable behavior. During the treatment period, parents should always be attentive to the child’s condition. If the situation is severe, treatment should be conducted under a doctor’s guidance, avoiding any haphazard approaches.