
How should I handle a six-year-old boy who is only 1 meter tall?


Hello, based on the information you provided, your six-year-old son’s height of only 1 meter may not meet the average height standards for his age group. To determine the root cause of the problem, it is recommended that you take your child to the hospital for a bone age examination to understand his growth and development status. The bone age examination helps determine if the growth plates are still not fully closed and if there are issues with growth delay or dwarfism. If diagnosed with dwarfism, the doctor will develop a treatment plan based on the child’s specific condition. Generally, treatment methods may include medication, nutritional management, and lifestyle adjustments. Parents should follow the doctor’s professional advice and take proactive measures to promote their child’s growth and development. Additionally, regular monitoring of height and weight is very important to adjust the treatment plan in a timely manner.