A two-month-old female infant is experiencing vomiting and easy wakefulness. Parents are inquiring about possible causes and solutions.
The doctor’s diagnosis and prescription include Vitamin D, Vitamin B6, cefaclor, calcium gluconate, Vitamin A & D drops, and a medication labeled for bedtime use, possibly gramilide. The infant’s mood worsened after receiving Vitamin D injections, and only after taking gramilide could the baby fall asleep. On the second day, vomiting occurred after eating, and the baby’s condition deteriorated further. It is recommended to give cod liver oil,Jianpi San (a traditional Chinese medicine for strengthening the spleen), and Bacillus subtilis dicotyledonous granules (a traditional Chinese medicine for infants), and to pat the baby’s back after feeding to help expel gas. Medications should not be overdosed, and it is important to observe whether the baby is getting enough rest and nutrition.