
How can one help a child detoxify lead from their body?


Current Situations

Children may struggle to maintain focus during learning.

Auxiliary Examination

High levels of lead in the blood.

Consume Foods Rich in Vitamin C

Vitamin C can bind with lead, forming water-insoluble salts that are non-toxic, aiding in the excretion of lead. It is recommended to consume at least 150 milligrams of vitamin C daily, and for children with symptoms of lead poisoning, the amount should be increased to 200 milligrams. Foods rich in vitamin C include citrus fruits, strawberries, chili peppers, broccoli, garlic, and more.

Consume High-Protein and Iron-Rich Foods

Proteins and iron can help replace lead’s binding with organic matter in tissues, accelerating the metabolism of lead. It is recommended to consume high-quality protein sources such as eggs, milk, and lean meats, as well as iron-rich green leafy vegetables and fruits like spinach, celery, rapeseed, carrots, and cherries.

Consume Garlic

Allicin in garlic can bind with lead to form non-toxic compounds, reducing the risk of lead poisoning.

Reduce Intake of Lead-Contaminated Foods

Avoid feeding children foods with high levels of lead, such as canned foods and beverages.

Prevention Measures

Since the causes of lead poisoning in children often come from environmental pollution, families should take preventive measures such as avoiding the use of paints with high lead content, reducing smoking at home, and avoiding using learning supplies and toys that may contain lead. Additionally, parents should reduce smoking at home to minimize the impact of secondhand smoke on their children.