My baby is over five months old and doesn’t know how to roll over, nor does he show any interest in doing so. However, he can support his upper body for a long time when lying on his stomach on the bed. Do I need to take him to the hospital for a check-up?
In fact, due to individual differences, it’s normal for a five-month-old baby not to roll over, as long as all other growth characteristics are in line with this stage of development. At five months, a baby’s weight is typically around 7 to 8 kilograms, and their height is usually between 64 to 68 centimeters. Of course, if the baby is a boy, he may be a bit taller. So, if the baby’s weight and height are within this range, it’s considered normal. At this stage, babies grow at their fastest rate, and it’s not uncommon to find that your baby can suddenly do something they couldn’t do the day before. Sometimes, babies can also sit up alone for a short while, but the duration won’t be very long; of course, this depends on the baby’s mood and energy levels. So, if you’re simply placing your baby on the bed to sit up, it’s best to take adequate safety precautions.