
Detailed medical condition and purpose of consultation: Anemia Duration of onset and continuation: Long-term Current general condition: No significant impact


Improving diet and increasing iron intake: Breast milk, egg yolks, orange juice, vegetable juice, mashed vegetables, liver puree, meat puree, and iron-fortified foods (such as iron, fortified milk powder, rice flour, wheat flour) and iron-fortified formula milk. Minced meat, fish, tofu, liver, lean meat, soy products, animal blood, millet, sorghum, corn, green leafy vegetables, yellow and red vegetables, black fungus, kelp, and seaweed. The simplest method is to let the child eat more iron-rich foods to increase hemoglobin. These foods mainly include lean meat, pork liver, egg yolks, kelp, chicken liver, seaweed, mushrooms, and soy products. Babies are in the stage of growing their bodies, so it’s important to provide timely supplementary foods for the child.