
My baby is now over 6 months old, and for a month now, she has been having trouble sleeping soundly at night. She wakes up at least 4 to 5 times, cries every time she wakes up, and must be held and fed some milk before she can fall asleep. During the day, she sleeps for about an hour in the morning and about two hours in the afternoon, and she also tends to wake up during these naps. I am very worried about this. Moreover, my baby has been having diarrhea for the past few days. After taking Simethicone and Amoxicillin granules, her condition improved for two days, but then it got loose again after two days. However, the baby is in good spirits and does not seem to have any physical discomfort. I am eager for an answer and am very grateful!!!!


Hello: If the child is in good spirits, then the impact is not significant, and it is sufficient to pay attention to establishing normal living habits. First, we need to exclude infectious diarrhea by conducting a routine stool test. Second, we need to exclude allergic diarrhea by checking if there have been any new complementary foods introduced, if they are drinking formula milk, or if there are easily allergenic substances. If it is caused by bacterial infection, oral antibiotics are needed. If it is allergic diarrhea, it is necessary to avoid the allergen.