
My daughter is 50 days old and her stools are getting looser. What should I do?


Breastfed infants naturally have looser stools, so there’s usually no need to worry unless they become excessively loose. However, if the stools are foamy, it may be something to be concerned about. Here are some suggestions:

  1. The mother’s dietary habits can affect the baby’s intestinal function. It is recommended to avoid consuming excessive amounts of irritating or overly fatty foods.
  2. Pay attention to the baby’s warmth, especially since newborns have poor thermoregulation abilities. Make sure their hands and feet are warm and not sweating.
  3. Observe if the baby might be allergic to breast milk, which can also be a factor causing abnormal stools. If the situation does not improve, it is advisable to consult a doctor for more professional advice and treatment.