
My baby had diarrhea after feeling cold in the abdomen on the first day. After the symptoms slightly improved, the adults gave him a few grapes, and the diarrhea continued for half a month afterwards. My baby’s mental state was okay, but he felt weak in his legs. During this period, we went to the hospital, where the doctor found no viruses in the stool. We gave him Fosfomycin, Montmorillonite Powder, then added Xiao Yao Wan and Jian Wei Xiao Shi Oral Liquid, and hung intravenous fluid for two days. We also applied abdominal acupuncture patches, but there was no improvement, and it seemed to be getting worse. Please experts, do you have any good solutions?


Diarrhea in infants and young children is one of the most common gastrointestinal diseases. The root cause of diarrhea in babies is poor immune function and weak resistance to viruses and bacteria. When the intestines are infected, babies are easily affected by diarrhea. At the same time, if babies eat too much and suffer from indigestion, it can also cause diarrhea. Additionally, allergic constitution, colds, etc., can also cause diarrhea. During acute diarrhea, it is appropriate to fast for a short period of time, generally not more than 8 hours. It is also necessary to replenish fluids and eat small meals frequently. It is also possible to give babies a dose of Pasteurized Goat Milk or Bioga3 Probiotics when necessary. When babies sleep, it is helpful to slightly elevate their heads to facilitate breathing and good rest. Most often, diarrhea in babies is caused by coldness. It is advisable to let babies drink more boiled water, vegetable juice, and fruit juice. If necessary, oral cefotetan powder can be given to the baby. At the same time, the temperature, humidity, and air concentration in the baby’s bedroom should be appropriate, and the baby’s clothing and bedding should be appropriate. Be sure to keep the baby’s abdomen warm. If the bedroom is dry, you can place a few pots of water or add a humidifier indoors.