
What are the diet remedies for pediatric diarrhea? My daughter is four months old and has had diarrhea repeatedly. Shots and medication have been ineffective. Sometimes it’s said to be enteritis, sometimes autumn diarrhea, and now it’s started again. We have treated it multiple times, but the diarrhea hasn’t stopped. The medications used are Simeta and Bai Bei Nan. What should I do now? Urgent!


Diet therapy remedies for pediatric diarrhea vary depending on the type of diarrhea. For food poisoning diarrhea, the baby experiences abdominal distension and pain, cries and is restless before having diarrhea, with feces that are sour-smelling and contain undigested milk clumps. There is a decrease in appetite accompanied by halitosis. Treatment methods include apple soup and charred hawthorn malt drink. For wind-cold diarrhea, the baby’s feces are thin with much foam, light in color, and have little odor. There is abdominal rumbling and pain, or accompanied by fever. Try ginger tea drink and glutinous rice white atractylodes porridge.