
My son is 6 years old and has a bad taste in his mouth. Is this a gastrointestinal problem? Also, he doesn’t have a picky appetite, but he eats less, and he drinks two packs of milk a day. But the other day, he had leg cramps, could it be malabsorption? He is smaller than his same age peers.


Hello, dental caries are the main cause of bad breath in children. Children often like to eat snacks, especially sweets, and if adults do not urge them or they rarely brush their teeth themselves, food residue can remain in the mouth and ferment, producing unpleasant odors, thus causing bad breath in children. Precautions for preventing bad breath in children: Pay attention to preventing and treating dental caries promptly and having proper alignment. Eat fewer sweets, especially not eating sweets before bedtime. Maintain a regular diet. Consume more vegetables and fruits, balance coarse and fine foods, do not be picky or biased in eating, and avoid overeating or eating irregularly.