
A 2-year-old child has been crying and has quite a bit of eye discharge lately, especially before bedtime. I’m not sure what medication to give them.


Hello, this situation is often due to eye inflammation. You can use Tobradex eye drops for treatment. Pay attention to rest, avoid spicy and irritating foods, and do not stay up late. If the symptoms are severe, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist for examination and appropriate treatment. You can first do some massage; if there is still a lot of eye discharge, you may need to apply some drops, but if it’s not much, you can just observe. Eat less or avoid spicy and stimulating foods. You can brew and drink Goji and chrysanthemum tea. Avoid overusing your eyes, keep the indoor environment clean and ventilated, avoid strong light and dust stimulation; do not overuse eye drops. Maintain a pleasant mood, adjust your emotions, and keep the qi flowing smoothly. Prevent colds.