
How is newborn dacryocystitis treated? Disease and Consultation Purpose: What are the treatment methods for newborn dacryocystitis? The baby has a symptom of purulent discharge from the right eye. Current Condition: The baby has a symptom of purulent discharge from the right eye, and has undergone the first treatment. Additional Question for the First Treatment: What precautions can parents take before treatment?


Due to narrow or blocked nasal lacrimal ducts, tears accumulate in the lacrimal sac, often accompanied by bacterial infection. Symptoms include lacrimation, as well as the discharge of mucus or purulent secretions from the lacrimal punctum when pressing on the lacrimal sac area. Nasal lacrimal duct reversal with a ball tip silicone tube can be used for treatment, with long-term efficacy being satisfactory. If a newborn has nasal lacrimal duct obstruction, the lacrimal sac is prone to recurrent dacryocystitis. Treatment involves first controlling the infection and then using massage or surgery to treat congenital nasal lacrimal duct obstruction. In principle, conservative massage therapy is adopted within the first six months, while more aggressive surgical treatment is used after six months.