
A child aged 1 year and 2 months is suffering from diarrhea with watery stools. After three days of hospital treatment (intravenous infusion), there has been little improvement. Are there any other effective methods?


Differential Diagnosis and Treatment:

  • Spleen and stomach deficiency, commonly presenting with persistent diarrhea, loose stools without odor, mixed with undigested food, diarrhea after eating, decreased appetite, pale complexion, and fatigue. Use 10 grams of Astragalus, 12 grams of Poria, 12 grams of Yam, 10 grams of Fried Coix Seed, 10 grams of Myrobalan, and 10 grams of Dried Tangerine Peel. Decoct the herbs to make a decoction, take one dose daily.
  • Spleen and kidney yang deficiency, commonly presenting with persistent diarrhea, clear and thin stools, cold limbs, pale complexion, and weak spirit. Use 3 grams of Prepared Ginger, 3 grams of Precooked Aconite, 10 grams of Alisma Plantago Seed, 10 grams of Fried Atractylodes Macrocephala, and 12 grams of Yam. Decoct the herbs to make a decoction, take one dose daily. Single formulas, prescriptions, and traditional Chinese medicine preparations:
  • Fuzi Lizi Wan (Aconite and Astragalus Pill) for spleen and kidney yang deficiency with chronic diarrhea.
  • Shenling Baizhu Powder (Astragalus and Atractylodes Powder) for spleen qi deficiency with chronic diarrhea.
  • Mix Dried Tangerine Peel, Chicken Gizzards, and Fried Yam in a ratio of 1:1:2, grind into fine powder. Take 2 grams each time, three times a day for spleen deficiency with chronic diarrhea. External Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Take 1 part Clove and 2 parts Cinnamon, grind into fine powder. Take 3 grams each time, mix with rice vinegar to form a paste and apply to the abdomen.