
My baby is 4 months and 10 days old and has been exclusively breastfed. A few days ago, I diluted egg yolk with water to feed him, and at first, he loved it, eating a quarter of the egg yolk. However, he developed constipation (before this, he had bowel movements once or multiple times a day, but it has only been once a day for the past four months). So I stopped feeding him egg yolk. After a few days, his bowel movements improved, but they were still not very regular. These days, I started feeding him egg yolk again, but he seems to not be interested in it; he gets upset every time he eats it, and he hasn’t had a bowel movement for several days, releases a lot of foul-smelling flatulence, and needs soap to pass them. Should I stop feeding him egg yolk? Can I give him some fragrant


A baby’s gastrointestinal system is not fully developed and is prone to constipation. It is recommended to take MamiAi for regulation, drink more water, massage the baby’s abdomen in a clockwise direction to help with defecation. You can add milk companion to formula milk or water, 1 package per day. For breastfed babies, mothers should pay attention to adjusting their dietary structure and eat more lightly; mothers should also drink more water. If there has been no bowel movement for several days, you can use children’s lubricating enema or soap sticks. But do not use them for a long time.