
An eight-month-old baby has been suffering from fever since last night, with a morning body temperature of 37.7°C. After taking medication yesterday afternoon, the fever subsided, but it started again this morning. The baby took medication again and the fever subsided once more. The question is about the cause of the fever and the treatment method.


Physical cooling is the main approach, and cold towels can be applied to the forehead or a warm bath can be taken, which is effective. Alcohol should be avoided for infants under one year old to prevent skin irritation. At the same time, it’s important to stay hydrated and consume vitamin C. If the high fever persists, symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication such as Tylenol or Advil can be used when the body temperature reaches at least 38.5°C, but attention must be paid to the dosage limit within 24 hours. The World Health Organization advises that fever does not usually require medication if it does not exceed 39°C and the child is in good condition. However, if the body temperature exceeds 40°C (for young children over 39°C), it may lead to serious sequelae such as seizures and coma, and antipyretic medication should be used promptly. Parents should strengthen daily care, improve their child’s nutrition, engage in appropriate exercise to enhance physical fitness, drink plenty of water, and consume vegetables and fruits. Avoid high-fat foods and excessive snacks, adjust clothing as needed, maintain good indoor air circulation to prevent colds, and avoid inappropriate use of antibiotics. Keeping children moderately hungry and cold can help maintain health. When a child has a fever, timely cooling, adequate hydration, bed rest, a light diet, and following the doctor’s medication instructions are important. Fever has both benefits and drawbacks for the human body. During a fever, the body’s immune function is significantly enhanced, which helps to eliminate pathogens and promote healing from diseases.