Patient Age: Three and a half months Detailed Condition and Purpose of Consultation: The child’s stool is dark green and not shaped into strips, occurring every two days. The child is eating well and sleeping well. I would like to know if this affects their health and if medication is needed? Duration of Current Illness: One month Current General Condition: Stool occurs every two days, with no other issues Medical History: None Previous Diagnoses and Treatment Process and Effects: A community doctor said no hospital visit was necessary, as it would naturally improve, but it has not improved after a month, and there is concern about affecting health.
There are several possible reasons why a baby’s stool may turn green:
- Hunger stool: Due to insufficient feeding, the main component of the stool is intestinal secretions, appearing dark brown or dark green, with frequent stools but small amounts, and containing mucus.
- Dyspepsia: Stool appears yellow-green, in a runny, uneven texture, with frequent stools.
- It’s possible that the baby has caught a cold in the abdomen. Pay attention to not exposing the baby’s abdomen to the cold, as a cold navel can also lead to green stool. For babies fed with formula milk, the iron and trace minerals in the formula should be moderate; otherwise, it may also cause green stool. My baby has always had good stool, regular daily bowel movements, and normal color. They drink Parent’s Choice formula, which is close to breast milk in composition and adds prebiotics.