
My four-month-old baby has had diarrhea for over twenty days without improvement. We have given injections and taken medication, but there has been no improvement. Recently, the frequency of taking Simeta has decreased, but there is still foam. What is going on? Routine stool tests show the presence of 2-4 white blood cells. I would like to know what medication should be given to the baby and what precautions should be taken? Someone recommended using pomegranate seeds and honey to make a drink. Is this okay? Thank you!


Hello, the situation you described may require attention. The problem your child is experiencing could be rotavirus diarrhea, which is commonly seen in infants and is more prevalent in autumn. For mild diarrhea, oral medication as you mentioned should be fine. For severe diarrhea, intravenous treatment and the use of antiviral medications are necessary. I suggest that you take your child to a pediatrician’s office for a consultation, where clinical virus tests can be conducted to clearly determine the appropriate medication treatment.