
My baby has about 7 bowel movements a day, with stools that are deep yellow and oily, and a lot of foam. Several times, the stools are almost all foam. The doctor said this is indigestion, and I’m asking for treatment methods. After eating some egg yolk, the stool contains granules. I want to know if I should still give the baby egg yolk, and also mention that the baby vomits when eating Wangdiao Little Buns, and ask for the reason.


Firstly, observe the baby’s stool condition to see if there is any mucus or snot-like substance present. If so, it may be enteritis and requires further treatment. If it’s just loose watery stools, continue to take oral montmorillonite powder and Mamy Love. If the effect is not good, consider using diarrhea formula milk powder. According to the description, the baby’s condition may be caused by indigestion. It is recommended to take pediatric complex pancreatin powder and Biqui, with an interval of one hour between the two medications. If suspected of enteritis, add pediatric Lishui and apply Fugui’er umbilical plaster to warm the abdomen. At the same time, pay attention to drinking more water. When introducing complementary foods, start with small quantities of single types to avoid too much variety.