
How should one handle diarrhea in a two-month-old baby that occurs after calcium supplementation, as well as the situation where the baby experiences diarrhea while breastfeeding when the mother takes calcium supplements?


Diarrhea in a baby during calcium supplementation may be due to excessive calcium intake or an unsuitable digestive system. If a baby experiences diarrhea while breastfeeding when the mother takes calcium supplements, it could be because the increased calcium content in the mother’s milk after supplementation leads to the baby’s digestive discomfort. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Confirm the need for calcium supplementation: It should be confirmed by a doctor whether the baby is deficient in calcium and to supplement an appropriate amount of calcium according to medical advice.
  2. Reasonable diet planning: For infants with normal diets and balanced nutrition, additional calcium supplements may not be necessary.
  3. Pay attention to the timing of calcium supplementation: If symptoms of calcium deficiency, such as crying at night, excessive sweating, and decreased appetite, appear within the first two months after birth, calcium supplementation should be done promptly.
  4. Reasonable use of calcium supplements: While supplementing with calcium, it is important to also use medications containing vitamin D to promote calcium absorption, but caution should be exercised to avoid over-supplementation, which may lead to hypercalcemia.
  5. Pay attention to dietary pairing: