
My baby is over three months old, and their hair is a bit yellow and sparse. Could they be lacking in some nutrients? They also seem a bit unsteady when standing.


Based on the description, the baby may have malnutrition issues. If the baby is breastfed, the mother should pay attention to increasing nutrition, especially the intake of fruits and vegetables. For babies potentially iron-deficient, iron supplements should be considered. After improving the nutritional status, the baby’s hair color and density may gradually return to normal. Additionally, thin and yellow hair in babies may also be related to deficiencies in trace elements such as zinc or calcium. It is recommended to have the child undergo a blood test to confirm the presence of zinc or calcium deficiencies, and supplement accordingly. In severe cases, medication may be necessary, while dietary adjustments can also help improve the situation, such as increasing the intake of liver and seafood, which are rich in zinc. It is also important to ensure that the baby has enough outdoor activity time each day to promote vitamin D synthesis.