
My baby’s stools are very loose and green, and this has been going on for a week. The previous stools had bubbles, but now they are green. I’ve tried Mommy Love, Simeta, and Dinggui’er, but the effect is not good. I’m seeking treatment and understanding of the cause.


Green stools in infants may be caused by indigestion. If breastfeeding, the mother should avoid spicy, cold, or greasy foods. The baby should have small, frequent meals, and the mother’s milk should be warm when fed to the baby. You can give the baby some mother’s milk and warm food. You can also give the baby Shenling Baihu powder and probiotics, as well as use hot salt compresses on the abdomen. Usually, no special treatment is needed. If it’s a mixed feeding situation, it might be that the baby is not getting enough milk, causing rapid bowel movement and green stools; in this case, increasing the milk quantity can help. Catching a cold is also one of the reasons for rapid bowel movement. It’s important to determine the cause of the green stools.