
What should I do if the place where my baby got the preventive shot is red and swollen?


Hello! It sounds like your baby has received the BCG vaccine. The reaction to the BCG vaccine is different from that of a typical preventive injection. Generally, about 3 weeks after vaccination, the injection site will become red and swollen, and the center will gradually soften, forming a small white pustule. After the pustule breaks open, pus will be released, and it will take 1-2 weeks for it to scab over. After healing, a circular scar may remain. This process usually lasts for about 2 months. After receiving the BCG vaccine, swelling of the lymph nodes near the injection site (usually axillary lymph nodes) is also common. This is a normal reaction, and the swollen lymph nodes will also subside on their own as the injection site heals. You can use hot compresses to help them subside faster. If an abscess forms, you can have a doctor use a syringe to drain the pus to promote healing. Generally, this will not affect your child’s health.