
Medical Description: Fell from the bed at 8 am. Had a fever of 38 degrees after waking up at 5 pm. Had a fever four or five days ago and it was cured after taking medicine, and the medicine has been stopped since then. The forehead didn’t swell, but there was some minor bruising. Previous Treatment and Effectiveness: No treatment yet. Seeking Help: Do I need to go to the hospital for a check-up in this situation?


Hello, the baby should be fine with the above situation. Generally, if there is vomiting along with this kind of fall, one should prevent brain injuries such as brain hemorrhage and Brain concussion. So, based on the baby’s current condition, there should be no problem and you shouldn’t worry too much. It is recommended to continue observing the baby’s condition and seek medical attention promptly if there are any issues. Also, pay attention to replenishing fluids to avoid overheating. If falling doesn’t usually cause any problems, if you’re still worried, you can go to the hospital for a brain CT scan. If there is something inside the skull, the child will generally have reactions such as crying, drowsiness, projectile vomiting, and in severe cases, can lead to coma. Pay attention to observe for any changes and seek medical attention promptly if there are any changes.