
Medical Description: My baby received the final dose of the imported DTP vaccine yesterday and started to have a fever last night, with a body temperature of 38.1 degrees. I gave him fever-reducing medicine, but his temperature is still between 37.4 and 37.5 degrees today, and there is redness and swelling around the vaccination site. Previous Treatment and Effectiveness: Fever-reducing medicine was administered when he had a fever. Seeking Assistance: Inquiry about the management of fever after vaccination.


Hello, based on the information you provided, your baby’s condition may be a reaction to the vaccine administration. Generally, the fever caused by vaccination does not exceed 39 degrees. However, since your baby’s temperature remains high, it is advisable to take him to the hospital for a check-up to rule out colds or other infections. While waiting for medical attention, you can try the following measures to help your baby cool down:

  1. Administer a suitable fever-reducing medicine, such as ibuprofen.
  2. Use warm water to bathe your baby and perform physical cooling.
  3. Encourage your baby to drink more water to help the body dissipate heat.
  4. Keep the room well-ventilated and avoid letting your baby catch a cold again. If your baby’s fever continues or he develops other discomforts, please take him to see a doctor immediately. Under the doctor’s guidance, determine the cause of the fever and receive appropriate treatment. Wishing your baby a speedy recovery.