
A 15-month-old baby, after taking anti-inflammatory and cold medicine during a fever, seemed to be improving but started experiencing severe coughing with a hoarse sound the next morning. The parents are wondering if this is a sign of improvement or a new cough symptom, and what medication should be given to the baby.


According to the parent’s description, the baby developed a cough after the fever subsided, although the fever has receded, it could still be part of the original infection or a sign that the illness has not fully recovered. It is recommended that the parents ensure the baby gets plenty of rest, drinks plenty of fluids, and consumes a light diet. Consider administering some cough-specific medication, such as pediatric Lung Peace Granules. However, as each child’s condition may vary, the specific treatment method should be consulted with a doctor, and whether to use antibiotics or other medications should be decided based on the doctor’s advice and the baby’s actual condition. The doctor will also determine the treatment plan based on the type of infection, with bacterial infections possibly requiring antibiotics such as cefixime.