
Can postpartum women consume the Silver Ear, Lily, and Goji Berry Soup?


Silver Ear has the effects of invigorating the spleen and stomach, as well as benefiting Qi and clearing the intestines, nourishing yin and moistening the lungs. Red dates nourish the complexion and enrich in vitamin C. Lily moistens the lungs and relieves coughs, calms the mind, and treats prolonged cough with expectoration of blood. Goji Berry replenishes Qi and nourishes the liver, enhancing immunity. Longan strengthens the heart and spleen, benefits Qi and blood, strengthens the stomach, and nourishes muscles. Rose helps with beauty and facial care, regulating endocrine function. Silver Ear, Red Dates, Lily, Goji Berry, Dried Longan, and Rose can be boiled together to have a regulating and nourishing effect, suitable for women to take for beauty and health.