
What should be done for the treatment after a glaucoma diagnosis?


Glaucoma, as an eye disease with a high rate of blindness, requires treatment methods that are selected based on different types. Primary open-angle glaucoma is primarily treated with medication, and if medication fails to effectively control intraocular pressure, laser trabeculoplasty can be considered. For primary angle-closure glaucoma, surgical treatment is mainly used, with iridectomy being a common procedure. In the case of secondary glaucoma, the treatment principle should address both the primary disease and glaucoma, with specific treatment methods varying depending on the cause. During an acute attack, patients should first use medication to lower intraocular pressure, and depending on the situation, laser peripheral iridotomy or trabeculoplasty may be performed to eliminate pupillary blockage. For patients with advanced glaucoma where intraocular pressure control remains unsatisfactory, consideration may be given to trabeculectomy or other filtering surgeries. In summary, the treatment of glaucoma needs to be considered comprehensively based on different types and the severity of the condition.