
A one-year-old child has one eye with a smaller pupil, droopy eyelids, and no sweating on the same side of the face.


  1. Unilateral pupillary constriction (pupil shrinkage), ptosis (eye fissure narrowing), and enophthalmos are the three characteristic symptoms of this condition.
  2. The nictitating membrane may become relaxed and protuberant, sometimes covering half of the eye in a fixed position.
  3. The ability to close the eyelids and the pupillary light reflex remain intact, but incomplete closure can lead to corneal dryness.
  4. The cat’s upper eyelid is raised, and it is difficult to open the eyes. Excessive tearing may occur due to ptosis, which can lead to inversion. The expansion of conjunctival vessels is uncertain.
  5. Symptoms often occur in the afternoon or early morning. Drinking alcohol or using nitroglycerin can trigger headache attacks. Headaches are often confined to one side.