
My baby is premature, and I have been very worried about the child’s condition from the start. Recently, the baby has shown a series of symptoms, and I am very worried, fearing that the condition may worsen. What should I do if the jaundice does not subside within 13 days?


Hello, newborn jaundice is divided into physiological and pathological types. Physiological jaundice in full-term infants usually subsides within 7-14 days after birth, while premature infants may take up to 2-3 weeks. The serum bilirubin concentration for general physiological jaundice is usually not over 12mg/dl. Regarding your child’s situation, the serum bilirubin level is not too high, and it is recommended that you have regular checks at the hospital and closely observe your child’s condition. If necessary, the doctor will provide appropriate treatment. Wishing your child good health!