
My child has been crying and fussing a lot lately, and they don’t eat much. How can I use growth hormones?


Ensure your child eats plenty of vegetables, high-protein foods, high-quality protein foods, calcium-rich foods, and zinc-rich foods. Prevent picky eating. Make sure they get enough rest and maintain good quality sleep. Encourage them to participate in physical exercise. It is recommended that you take your child to the hospital for an ossification line check. If the ossification line is about to close but has not yet fully closed, growth hormones can be used in the short term. Issues with child health have always been a concern for parents, and when treating this condition, general treatment should be considered. Parents can only help children recover from diseases as quickly as possible using regular methods, without affecting their growth and development. Therefore, it is hoped that after a child’s illness occurs, parents must act quickly to help the child recover from their condition.