
For over half a year, the child has occasionally experienced anal prolapse, and each time it occurs, wiping it causes crying and fussing.


Based on the description, the child’s condition may be anal prolapse, which is often related to weak constitution and insufficient qi and blood. The following measures are suggested:

  1. Medication Treatment: You can give the child small doses of Shiquan Dabu Soup and Bu Zhong Yi Qi Pill, which are traditional Chinese medicine that can help strengthen the constitution and improve the condition of insufficient qi and blood.
  2. Diet Adjustment: Encourage the child to eat more vegetables and fruits, maintain smooth bowel movements, avoid spicy, cold, greasy foods, quit smoking and drinking, and increase physical exercise.
  3. Regular Check-ups: Parents should regularly take their child to the hospital for check-ups to ensure timely detection and treatment of problems.
  4. Symptomatic Treatment: Under the guidance of a doctor, choose the appropriate treatment method according to the child’s specific condition.
  5. Patient Care: Parents should remain calm and patiently care for their child to help them recover health as soon as possible.