
A 4-year-old child developed a sty in the right eye four months ago. After the sty healed, the child began to exhibit a half-drooping eyelid. In the morning, upon waking, the drooping seems slightly better, but it returns within 3 to 5 minutes. The child eats and exercises normally, and their vision is fine, with a slight sensation of the right eye protruding slightly. The child has been treated at hospitals such as Wuhan Tongji Hospital, Guangzhou Military Region Wuhan General Hospital, Hubei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Women and Children’s Health Hospital, but the cause of the condition and an effective treatment method have not been diagnosed.


Following the onset of facial expression muscle movement on the affected side, effective expression muscle rehabilitation training can significantly enhance therapy outcomes. During facial palsy, the main muscles involved are the occipitofrontalis muscle’s frontal belly, orbicularis oculi muscle, levator labii superioris muscle, masseter muscle, levator angle muscle, orbicularis oris muscle, and depressor labii inferioris muscle. Performing functional training on these main muscles can promote the normal recovery of the entire facial expression muscle movement function. During training, treatment methods should be selected based on the patient’s different symptoms, with daily training sessions of 2 to 3 times, and each exercise performed 10 to 20 times.