
A 10-year-old boy, now in elementary school, has been noticed to be gaining weight increasingly this year. He can eat multiple bowls of rice at a meal and is unwilling to exercise. How should pediatric obesity, especially in children who dislike exercise, be treated?


For children with obvious symptoms of pediatric obesity, parents should encourage them to engage in more physical activities and avoid picky eating. Parents should supervise their children in doing aerobic exercises such as jogging and swimming. Children should consume more high-fiber vegetables like winter melon and tomatoes, and they should be prohibited from eating fried foods and dried fruits, which are high in calories and fat. It is also not advisable to let the child fall asleep immediately after eating or lie on the sofa to snack. During the treatment period, parents should always be attentive to their child’s condition, and severe cases should be treated under a doctor’s guidance to avoid blind treatment.