
A 4-year-old child developed symptoms of a droopy eyelid on the right eye after growing a sty, with the condition being less severe in the morning but worsening thereafter. Despite receiving treatment at several hospitals, the cause and an effective treatment method have not yet been diagnosed.


After undergoing facial expression muscle exercise training, the patient can significantly improve the treatment outcome. The main muscles involved include the occipitofrontalis muscle, orbicularis oculi muscle, levator labii superioris muscle, buccinator muscle, levator anguli oris muscle, orbicularis oris muscle, and depressor labii inferioris muscle. Functional training of these muscles can promote the recovery of facial expression muscle movement. Depending on the patient’s different symptoms, appropriate training methods are selected, with daily training of 2 to 3 times, each session consisting of 10 to 20 repetitions.