
The 11-year-old boy was fine when he went to school in the morning, just a bit congested. During class, he suddenly felt difficulty breathing, a headache, nausea, and immediately turned pale and unconscious. He regained consciousness after about 10 to 20 minutes. After hospital examination, everything was normal. What could be the cause? If checked at another hospital, which department should be seen? Thank you! (This has happened for the second time; it also occurred in 2011.)


Headaches and dizziness can be symptoms of a wide range of conditions, including neurological diseases, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, orthopedic diseases, and possibly other conditions like anemia, earwax buildup, or low blood sugar. Your situation cannot be conclusively determined yet. To avoid delaying the illness and for health reasons, it is recommended that you first visit a regular hospital’s neurology department for a thorough check-up! We understand that neurological diseases in children can cause significant harm. If not treated promptly or with incorrect treatment methods, they can progress rapidly, posing great harm to patients. Therefore, parents should pay close attention to their child’s condition and seek treatment promptly.