
The child’s tonsils have been slightly enlarged since 10 months old; now 3 and a half years old, they seem to be getting bigger; often get hoarse with colds. Today, I went to the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University for treatment; the doctor said; needs to be hospitalized; surgery to remove one side; leave the other side; I want to ask which hospital is better; and whether there are any side effects after the operation.


It could be due to tonsillitis, and it requires hospital treatment with nebulizer inhalation therapy, intravenous drip of antibiotics, hormones, antihistamines, antivirals, and other medications. In daily life, avoid eating spicy, alcohol, cold, and other irritating foods. If the condition does not improve, hospital tonsillectomy treatment is recommended. Pediatric tonsillitis can be quite harmful to patients, so it is recommended that patients visit a specialist promptly and receive treatment under the doctor’s guidance. It is okay for them to engage in moderate exercise in daily life. Pay attention to preventing heat stroke, and hope the child can recover quickly!