
A 3-month-old boy has been continuously having diarrhea since June 18th. Initially, he had about 10 episodes per day, with the stool occasionally containing Bloodshotmucus and appearing egg flower-like. Starting from the third day, he developed a fever and reduced urine output. Today, he still has diarrhea while drinking milk, with both episodes being quite large.


The possible causes of the baby’s diarrhea may include indigestion, gastroenteritis, intestinal flora imbalance, abdominal coldness, or improper diet. It is recommended to bring the baby to the hospital for a comprehensive examination to determine the cause and to prescribe medication accordingly. If the symptoms are caused by indigestion alone, you can try using medications such as Mommy Love, Simeta, or Montmorillonite powder to regulate the condition. Pay attention to the baby’s warmth and diet in daily life.