Female infant, 50 days old.
- Around the 20th day, the baby starts to stretch her entire body every few minutes while sleeping in the early morning or late at night. Her hands and feet move simultaneously as if she wants to wake up, but she falls back asleep after a while. This is accompanied by a “hmhmhm” humming sound and can last for up to an hour, making it look like the child is very tired.
- Since birth, the baby has been fed formula milk. Around the 10th day, the baby experienced severe vomiting, sometimes with spitting up, along with eczema on her face, particularly noticeable and severe on the cheeks and chin. Stool is mostly normal, now occurring twice a day, not formed, with occasional milk residue. Is this related to formula (protein) allergy?
It could be due to poor digestion. It is recommended that mothers give their babies more water, try to feed them smaller, more frequent meals, and give them some digestive medicine to regulate their gastrointestinal function. Pay close attention to the baby’s mood, milk intake, complementary feeding amount, and stool condition. If all these aspects are normal, there is no need to worry too much. During feeding, pay attention to feeding light and easily digestible complementary foods and reducing the baby’s exposure to cold and hot stimuli. After improving the feeding method, this condition should improve for the baby.