
An 11-month-old child has had otitis media for one month, with symptoms of pus draining from both ears. Doctors have examined the child and said they’ve never seen such a case.


Oral antibiotics are typically used for treatment, and if necessary, procedures to suction secretions from the nasal cavity or nasopharynx may be performed. If there is no improvement in ear pain or fever within 48 to 72 hours after treatment, doctors usually consider changing the antibiotic. If the abscess is severe, it may be necessary to pierce the eardrum to drain pus and perform a bacterial culture for further confirmation of the condition. Children with otitis media can suffer significant damage, so it is recommended that patients seek specialized consultation and treatment under a doctor’s guidance. It is okay for children to engage in moderate exercise in their daily routine, but precautions should be taken to prevent heat-related issues. We hope the child can recover quickly!