
My child is around 6 months old and has been suffering from diarrhea for about 20 days. The stool is yellow (brown after taking medicine), with bubbles, and it’s separated into dry and watery parts. Coughing has also appeared, which has been going on for about a month now. We have consulted an expert at the Xiangyang City Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.


Hello, when a child experiences diarrhea, the first consideration is often indigestion, enteritis, or being caught in a cold. It’s important to first confirm the cause of the illness. If the child’s diarrhea is not severe and they are in good spirits, you can give them products like Mami Love or probiotic preparations, or take intestinal health supplements. You can also administer cephalosporin-type anti-inflammatory medication. If the diarrhea becomes severe and medication is ineffective, immediate intravenous treatment is necessary.