
Why do babies often burp?


Observations show that when babies suddenly intake air, the diaphragm—a muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavity—experiences a spasm-like contraction, leading to burping. This situation is more common in babies fed with bottles than those breastfed. So, what causes this phenomenon? When the glottis closes, air cannot pass through the trachea, resulting in the vocal cords producing the sound of “burping.” If the condition is severe, it is recommended to take appropriate medication under a doctor’s guidance, such as children’s cold syrup, children’s throat lozenges, or children’s fever-clearing oral liquid. Additionally, a dietary supplement can be used by boiling water with 20 grams of Chinese cabbage root, 30 grams of white radish, and 60 grams of brown sugar for a warm drink, which can also help relieve colds and induce sweating.