
My child has been crying non-stop lately and not eating much. Is the redness around my baby’s bottom due to a fire?


Hello, first we need to determine if your child is experiencing diarrhea. In daily care, it’s important to keep your baby’s bottom clean and dry, frequently cleaning and using clean fabrics to wipe it. If you notice redness around your baby’s bottom, you can apply Erythromycin ointment for treatment. At the same time, if your baby has constipation issues, you can give them pediatric fire-relieving medicine to alleviate symptoms. After the symptoms improve, you can appropriately supplement calcium. In addition, it is recommended that parents feed their babies fresh vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins, maintain a light and easy-to-digest diet, and take probiotic preparations to regulate the gastrointestinal tract. Be sure to avoid letting your baby catch a cold.