
Why does a newborn’s breathing sound heavier on the fifth day after birth?


There can be various reasons for a newborn to have a heavier breathing sound on the fifth day after birth, including respiratory infections, nasal congestion, and exposure to smoking environments. If the situation persists, it is recommended to use azithromycin for treatment and observe whether the child’s symptoms improve. If the treatment is not effective, further drug sensitivity tests can be conducted, and sensitive antibiotics can be chosen for treatment. Generally, if three consecutive checks are negative, it can be considered cured. Additionally, frequently using fever-reducing medications may lower the child’s immunity, so it is advisable to prioritize physical cooling methods, such as using fever-reducing patches, when the body temperature reaches below 38.5 degrees Celsius. Fever-reducing patches cool down through external physical means and do not affect the child’s internal physiological functions, making them a safer and more effective method of cooling down.