
“What should I do before I stop breastfeeding my baby?”


“Breastfeeding is a headache for many young mothers, and many do not know how to stop breastfeeding their babies, leading some children to continue nursing until they are two or three years old. This is not beneficial for their growth. Here, Icy shares some tips on how to stop breastfeeding your baby. It’s best to start the transition around when your baby is one year old. Don’t let your baby nurse for too long. After one year, your baby will become more dependent on breastfeeding, and it will be difficult to stop them. Starting around one year is the best time. To stop breastfeeding, you should gradually reduce the frequency of feedings. Help your baby forget about the feeding times little by little. Don’t suddenly stop breastfeeding; this will cause your baby distress and may lead to illness. When stopping breastfeeding, it’s also important to introduce new complementary foods such as noodles and rice porridge. Giving your baby a variety of new foods can help them feel full and less likely to want to nurse.”