My baby is just over a month old. Recently, when she is sleeping or awake and the surroundings are quiet, she occasionally experiences trembling without any bowel movements or urination. Elders say it’s due to the baby being startled, but I don’t think it’s a reaction to shock. I would like to ask experts what could be causing this and if treatment is needed?
The baby’s bowel movements and urination are normal. Shaking in newborns is a normal physiological phenomenon because their nervous system has not fully developed. However, if the child is older, it may be due to cold tremors caused by the need to urinate, or it could be triggered by shock and calcium deficiency. It is recommended to expose the baby to more sunlight and maintain good feeding habits. If the child is older and the tremors are not due to the need to urinate or shock, it may be necessary to go to the hospital for tests like an EEG to determine the specific cause. In summary, except for the normal phenomenon in newborns, it is advisable to consult a hospital for examination in other cases to prevent any potential issues.