
Dear parents, my son is 1 year old. In the past few weeks, I’ve noticed that he has gained a lot of weight. Additionally, he has been eating more and more and doesn’t like to exercise. I would like to ask: How should I treat pediatric obesity when my child doesn’t like to eat vegetables?


To help your child change their obesity symptoms, it’s important to provide a reasonable exercise and diet plan. Parents can encourage their children to engage in sports that are beneficial for improving obesity, such as jogging, swimming, etc. At the same time, ensure your child consumes more fruits and vegetables like apples, kiwis, and carrots, and limit their intake of high-calorie, high-fat foods such as cakes, dried fruits, and cookies. Moreover, if your child is accustomed to lying down after eating, parents should assist in correcting this bad habit. For severe cases of pediatric obesity, it is important to seek medical treatment promptly and avoid blindly believing in certain medications.