
Detailed Medical Condition and Purpose of Consultation:

Abdominal pain mostly occurs around the umbilicus, sometimes around the heart area, and is often during meals, not too severe. During this period, the child had two episodes of fever and cold, with high temperatures reaching about 39 degrees, and also experienced hallucinations.

Current Condition and Duration of Illness:

About half a month, each episode lasting for several minutes.

Current General Condition:

The child’s mental state is still good.

Past Medical History and Treatment Process:

When treated for the common cold, the doctor said it was stomach cramps. The intermittent abdominal pain in the baby might be due to mesenteric lymphadenitis or gastrointestinal bloating.


Based on your description, the baby’s abdominal pain is likely due to a digestive system issue. There may be many possible causes, which need to be ruled out through corresponding examinations one by one, such as checking stool routine to rule out worm infection, abdominal ultrasound examination to see if it is caused by mesenteric lymphadenitis or gastrointestinal bloating. It is noted that you can give the baby more water to drink, avoid snacks, and eat easily digestible foods. After finding the cause, treat according to symptoms. In daily life, you can massage the baby’s abdomen to help with bowel digestion and movement, which can effectively control the occurrence of abdominal pain.