
Doctor, yesterday you got angry and beat the child, hitting them with a broom on the area above the left knee, causing some redness and swelling. Today, I noticed that he walks with a limp, but he can stand and walk. It’s just that his injured foot drags when he walks. His arm was also hit, and I’m not sure if I mentioned it, whether it injured the fibula. It was just an impulsive act; I picked up the broom and hit him. Could you please help explain this? I am very grateful for your clarification here!


Dear inquirer, the above situation could possibly indicate an injury to the fibula, possibly due to a forceful blow. It is recommended to go to the hospital for a detailed X-ray examination to rule out a fracture. If there is no fracture, the issue should not be serious, and treatment with medicated oil can be considered. The above is a suggestion for the question “Can hitting a child cause harm?” I hope it is helpful to you, and wish you good health!