
My baby is two and a half months old. Three days ago, at around 4 am, she started coughing, with a cough here and there, and it wasn’t difficult to cough up. She didn’t have a fever. When I picked her up and patted her back, burping helped. It seems like she coughs when she strains. Sometimes during the day, I see milk in her mouth, and then she coughs. She breathes easily, but her nose has always been ‘gurgling’ because her laryngeal cartilage hasn’t developed well. It seems to have improved over the past few days. We’ve given her cough medicine and cefixime for two days, but there’s been no improvement. Before, even if she didn’t take a nap during the day, she was always full of energy and playing around. These days, she cries a lot and sleeps for longer periods. She doesn’t play much when she wakes up. I’m not sure if it’s due to the medication or discomfort in her body.


Based on your description, your baby’s condition may be due to a lack of vitamin D causing restless sleep and crying. It is recommended to feed the baby on demand and supplement with 400 IU of vitamin D daily. Ensure that the room is ventilated and aired out every day to keep the air fresh. Try to avoid letting the baby cry too hard. The above suggestions are for the question “What’s the situation when a baby coughs and has a noisy nose?” I hope this helps you, and wish you all the best in your health!